Figure 1 “photo” Limbsaver Recoil Pad, photo taken from Website.
Reviewer: Kyle Shaffer
Maker: Sims Vibration Laboratory
Model: Limbsaver Recoil Pad
Price: $39.99 for precision fit recoil pad, $34.99 for slip on recoil pad, and four other models; the precision fit speed mount recoil pad, and then three grind-to-fit models, standard, speed mount and low profile.
Packing/Shipping: Purchased at my local Browning dealer
Overall Evaluation: The website advertises up to 70% recoil reduction when using the Limbsaver Recoil Pad. In my opinion that is an accurate statement, especially when you start shooting the larger magnum calibers. When I purchased my first precision fit model it was for two reasons. The first being since I stand 6’3” with a longer than normal wing span, my favorite Browning rifle in .375 H&H was a little short for me. By replacing the standard recoil pad with the Limbsaver, it added just the right amount of length for more comfortable shooting. The second reason was recoil reduction. I like spending time shooting my rifles to become as proficient as possible, I am at my local range often. I hand load my own ammunition and spend lots of time on the bench, testing different bullets and loads. It would be difficult to do this amount of shooting on a consistent basis without the aid of this recoil pad.

Figure 2 “Photo” Limbsaver Recoil Pad installed on Kyle’s rifle.
Most people would not consider the .375 a bench rifle but mine is, and it’s more comfortable to shoot now using this product. I was so impressed with it. I installed one on my .300 Winchester Magnum, and a third one on my wife’s .30-06 and another on her Thompson Center Encore, since we never know what caliber will go on that particular rifle next.
Nobody I know likes recoil and you especially don’t want to develop a flinch when shooting because of excessive recoil. These recoil pads may help make you more confident and possibly even a better shooter.
One distinct advantage to the slip on model is that you can use it to maintain a constant length of pull, especially when hunting with a shotgun, regardless of what time of year it is. In the winter, when you’re all bundled up and out shooting ducks or kicking up pheasants, you won’t need a normal length of pull. If you take that same shotgun, out to the dove fields or teal blinds in September, when it’s really hot and you have less clothing on, it can help keep the correct length of pull, so that your shooting stays consistent.
If you go to the Limbsaver website, they have an online catalog that enables you to look up which model is best suited to your firearm. If your particular firearm is not listed, then you still have a few options. You can purchase the nearest size slip on recoil pad, or you can purchase the next largest size up from the dimensions of yours. Then you can use a belt sander to grind it to a custom fit.
You can purchase the Limbsaver Recoil Pads online directly from the Limbsaver website. They are also available at the following outlets: Academy Sports, Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Gander Mountain, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Wal-Mart and other local dealers. They are well worth the money at least in my opinion. Take your family and friends out shooting and enjoy the outdoors!